From a ‘Content company’
to a ‘Company driving DX’
Continuing to evolve by leveraging strong UI/UX from the content business.
The MTI Group is a group of IT companies that, guided by its vision, “Taking the world a step forward,” delivers many different cloud services via BtoC, BtoB and BtoBtoC business models to many end users. Leveraging the knowledge accumulated over many years in our content services, we achieve excellent UIs and UXs and continue to offer many IT services in ways that are usable for the end users.
Since our founding in 1996, we have operated a business of distributing content services for end users. Today, we focus on medicine, healthcare, education and other areas deficient in technologies and develop and offer different cloud services. We will change into an IT company to solve social issues in different areas of business and promote DX.

Four reporting segments
The MTI Group divides its reporting segments by the characteristics of its services. There are four reporting segments: the content business, the healthcare business, the school DX business and other business (e.g. AI, DX support for companies).

Delivering services in areas
where technology is lacking
The technology environment is undergoing great change as digital transformation (DX) is happening in various fields with the spread of advanced digital technologies such as IoT, 5G, and eKYC. In popularizing the DX service, however, we must resolve more than a few issues, such as the varying degree to which IT services have been introduced in different industries and regions and the information availability differences that impact users.
The MTI Group builds a development structure that emphasizes enabling end users to understand the benefits of new services and making them available in ways that are easier for users to understand and use. By doing this, we realize excellent UIs and UXs, use new technologies that need to be introduced in different areas of business and change these technologies into optimal services before delivering them to customers.
We believe that in many areas there is still not enough technology and that by applying technologies in the resolution of many different social issues in these areas, we can contribute a great deal. Going forward, we will pursue sustainable growth through the creation and provision of many services.
Healthcare services Connecting healthcare institutions & municipalities and users
Realizing a BtoBtoC type healthcare service platform.
MTI is working to develop services for medicine and healthcare by utilizing our strengths in UI and UX for smartphone content and app services built up over many years in our content business. In particular, the childcare DX service and the cloud drug record service are doing well.
The former connects parenting households, municipalities and hospitals while the latter connects dispensing pharmacies with patients. By introducing our services, municipalities and dispensing pharmacies advance their transition to cloud computing in terms of business systems, apps and other matters, thereby streamlining their operations, increasing convenience for users and achieving DX. In addition, we operate other services in collaboration with business enterprises and medical institutions. Examples include the expansion of “Luna-Luna”, a healthcare service for women, into more areas of business and “CARADA” which is a service for institutions providing medical checkups.
Multiple services using data independently have been established today. Through the popularization of many different healthcare services, we will seek to develop services to seamlessly support healthcare for every individual of any age. We are taking the lead into an era where personal health records (PHR) can be kept and used to improve people’s lives and improve clinical practices.

School DX services
Connecting students and teachers
Dramatically improving teachers’ administrative efficiency,
addressing social issues in the education industry.
Schoolteachers’ jobs are referred to as “school affairs,” including teaching classes, taking attendance and many other jobs which vary widely. Teachers working excessive amounts of overtime has become a social issue. Schools that have introduced “BLEND”, a fully cloud-based school affairs support system offered by the MTI Group, have been streamlining their school affairs and achieving a drastic reform of their operations. The introduction of “BLEND” has been increasing, with mainly private schools around the country choosing to use it. The business is expected to continue to grow.

Reconstructing business processes
through innovations in AI technology
The dissemination of AI-related services has accelerated in Japan and overseas to resolve issues of manpower shortages. Our subsidiary Automagi is engaged in a project to resolve social issues through the AI service “AMY”.