Sales/Profit and loss

Overview of financial results for FY2024

The Group has been actively engaged in the healthcare business and the school DX business, both of which are expected to expand in the future, in order to enhance its corporate value over the medium to long term.
During the current fiscal year under review, consolidated net sales were ¥27,669 million (up 3.2% year on year). The decrease due to the impact of spot video sales Video Market Corporation, a consolidated subsidiary, accounted in the same period of the previous fiscal year, was offset by sales growth in the healthcare business and the DX support business for corporate customers, resulting in a slight increase.
Gross profit increased to ¥20,404 million (up 11.1% year on year), reflecting a significant reduction in the cost of sales due to the absence of non-recurring purchases of videos posted at Video Market Corporation in the previous fiscal year and a decrease in loss-making DX support projects for corporate customers.
Operating income also increased significantly to ¥2,394 million (up 702.3% year on year). This increase was due to the growth in gross profit and a reduction in selling, general, and administrative expenses (SG&A), primarily resulting from a decrease in personnel and outsourcing expenses, despite an increase in advertising expenses.
Ordinary income increased significantly to ¥2,827 million (up 516.7% year on year) due to the rise in operating income and a share of profit of entities accounted for using equity method of ¥534 million (a profit of ¥102 million in the previous fiscal year), which was mainly due to extraordinary income posted at Shobunsha Holdings, Inc., an equity-method affiliate.
Profit attributable to owners of parent amounted to ¥2,363 million (up 213.8% year on year), covering the rise in corporate taxes and other expenses through the growth in ordinary profit.

Consolidated statements of income

(Millions of yen)

  2020/9 2021/9 2022/9 2023/9 2024/9
Net sales26,082 25,743 26,479 26,798 27,669
Operating income 2,507 1,929 870 298 2,394
Operating income ratio(%) 9.6 7.5 3.3 1.1 8.7
Ordinary income 2,082 1,370 485 458 2,827
Ordinary income ratio(%) 8.0 5.3 1.8 1.7 10.2
Profit attributable to owners of parent 506 (1,164) (930) 753 2,363
Profit attributable to owners of parent ratio(%) 1.9 (4.5) (3.5) 2.8 8.5